The Licking County Health Department (LCHD) is a non-profit, governmental health agency serving the Licking County Combined General Health District with 170,000 residents. LCHD has been serving residents of Licking County, Ohio since 1920. With a staff of over 65 public health professionals, LCHD offers a variety of services via the following divisions: Administration, Environmental Health, Community and Personal Health, Maternal and Child Health, and Health Promotion. In 2013, LCHD became one of the first 22 health departments in the country to be accredited by the Public Health Accreditation Board.
LCHD's main office is located in a historical buidling located at 675 Price Rd., Newark. The building was constructed in 1931-32, originaly housing the county TB sanitorium. LCHD now owns and maintains this historic structure and its 20 acre campus.

Our Building's "TB San" History
Tuberculosis, or TB, is a contagious disease that was responsible for the deaths of one out of every seven people in the U.S. in the early 20th century. The Licking County Tuberculosis Sanatorium, known as the TB San, was constructed in 1931-1932 at a cost of $250,000. The facility kept TB patients separate from the general population, controlling the spread of disease. The location provided patients with rest, fresh air, food, and exercise, the main treatments for TB in the 19th through mid-20th centuries.
The TB San served Licking County residents from September 1932 until March 1967, but by the end of 1960s TB was no longer a prevalent health concern. In 1966, the Licking County Health Department occupied the building. After the close of the TB San in 1967, the facility also held an outpatient tuberculosis clinic, the County Home (1969-1988), and other county government offices. In 2015, the health department became the building’s owner. Since opening in 1932, the facility has continually served the public health needs of Licking County.
A historical marker was installed in 2019, commemorating the builing's rich history.

Public Health Guardian Award
The Board of Health may designate one or more individuals, agencies or programs as recipient of the Public Health Guardian Award each year. Selection criteria include, but are not limited to: Board of Health members or Employees with distinguished service; elected or appointed officials whose actions have advanced or supported public health; physicians, nurses or other medical professionals who have made outstanding contributions to the community; or any individual, agency or program that has made a significant contribution to the promotion and protection of public health in Licking County.
Past Recipients of the Public Health Guardian Award
- 2024 - Matt Allison, Executive Director of Licking County Transit
- 2022 - Carolyn Carnes, Licking County Prosecutor's Office
- 2021 - Sgt. Adam Featherling, The Ohio State University Police Department
- 2020 - Ben Broyles, Licking Memorial Hospital Vice President of Community Health and Wellness
- 2019 - Kay Spergel, Executive Director of Mental Health Recovery for Licking and Knox Counties
- 2018 - Sean Grady, Director of the Licking County Emergency Management Agency
- 2017 - Dr. Jeff Lee, Licking County Deputy Director, for his expertise in identifying causes of death and the contributing factors in order to develop local data.
- 2016 - The Canal Market District offers fresh, affordable, locally grown foods accessible to local residents.
- 2015 - Austin Lecklider is responsible for providing legal counsel to the Health Department regarding a variety of matters.
- 2014 - Doug Smith for his work to reduce tobacco use in Licking County.
- 2013 - Paddy Kutz for her leadership in promoting the link between a healthy mind and body.
- 2012 - Ray Wagner for 21 years of dedicated service on the Licking County Board of Health.
- 2011 - Lori Dixon for her efforts in coordinating the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT).
- 2010 - Kay Barton for her extraordinary support for breast cancer awareness, screening and survivor services in Licking County.
- 2009 - Paul George for serving on the Board of Health from 1998 - 2001 when he was elected as an Etna Township trustee.
- 2009 - David Reeder for serving on the Board of Health from 1997 until his death in 2008.
- 2006 - Vera Bagent for volunteering hundreds of hours of her time to the fulfillment of vital statistics record requests.
- 2005 - The Cities of Newark, Heath and the Village of Granville, for their efforts to protect the public’s health from the hazards of environmental tobacco smoke by enacting smoke-free workplaces and public places regulations.
- 2004 - John D. Tegtmeyer for 21 years of service on the Licking County Board of Health and his exceptional devotion to protecting the public's health.