Summary of Events
The Licking County Health Department (LCHD) has moved to Clear Impact to track communicable disease cases within our county. LCHD is still collecting data and has created an internal dashboard, using Clear Impact, to track local case activity against historical data. Thresholds and activity levels, data from the last five years to help identify when our Communicable Disease team needs to take a deeper look, have been established for surveillance purposes.
- Reported cases of Lyme disease have continued to stay elevated with 161 cases in 2023. This is a slight decrease from all time high of 162 cases in 2022.
- Tuberculosis remains an issue with 2 cases in 2023 after having 6 cases reported in 2022.
- In addition, LCHD continues to monitor Carbapenem-Producing Organisms (CPO), multi-drug resistant organisms, as cases continue to generate with 12 cases in 2023.